Agricultural skills spotlighted with simulated Hub Agriculture, Aquaculture, Agtech, Media ReleaseRebel Nation27 October 2023Media Release
RDA Greater Whitsunday committee chair position call Media ReleaseRebel Nation26 October 2023Media Release
Aquaculture and Agriculture Tech Skills Hub Aquaculture, Agriculture, Agtech, Media ReleaseRebel Nation13 October 2023Media Release
Queensland Business Energy Saving and Transformation Program Grants, Sustainability, EnvironmentRebel Nation12 October 2023Grants
Boost for Queensland families as free NBN opportunity delivered Media Release, Social Services, CommunicationsRebel Nation1 September 2023Media Release
Unity is the answer to Mackay’s housing crisis Economic Development, Media Release, RDA ProjectsRebel Nation1 September 2023Media Release
RDA GW committee diversifying further with new members Media ReleaseRebel Nation4 August 2023Media Release
Regional organisations paving the way for female leaders Media Release, RDA ProjectsRebel Nation24 July 2023Media Release
Local business survey taking place in response to skills shortage Economic Development, Live & Work, Media Release, Small & Medium BusinessesRebel Nation12 June 2023Media Release
RDAGW Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) Business Community Attitudes Survey RDA Projects, Media Release, Economic DevelopmentRebel Nation4 May 2023RDA Project
EOI open for new AgTech Skills Hub Pilot Program Media Release, RDA ProjectsRebel Nation12 April 2023Media Release
Export Market Development Grant Opportunity Economic Development, Grants, Media ReleaseRebel Nation17 March 2023Grants