Projects assessed for region’s strategic planning

As part of strategic planning for our region in the upcoming financial year, Regional Development Australia Greater Whitsundays (RDA GW) are currently reviewing previous plans to identify what has had an impact on our economy, and what is still to be achieved.

RDA GW has been leading and supporting the Mackay Isaac Whitsunday (MIW) region through a broad range of regional development and investment initiatives, and plans to further support and drive economic development moving forward.

The purpose of RDA GW is to work closely with local businesses, industry representatives, and all levels of government to prepare for a sustainable and positive future for our region. 

RDA GW CEO Robert Cocco accredited much of the progress in the region to “stakeholder relationships and having a heightened focus towards the region’s growth, development and trade”.

“We’ve had several notable successes from our previous year’s plan, and much of this can be attributed to the organisation’s focus on collaboration,” Mr Cocco said. 

“Cultivating and improving relationships with our partners gave us the knowledge needed to advocate to the government on behalf of the region.

“We see network-building as an essential part of economic development. In the past year, we contributed to several large-scale initiatives, in consultation with key stakeholders, to encourage collaboration and skill-sharing among local businesses and thought-leaders.”

RDA GW delivered and supported over 30 key initiatives throughout MIW as part of the previous plan, including:

  • Four Regional Development Roadmap workshops with over 60 community and business attendees per workshop.

  • Global Export Centre Presentation with over 80 business attendees.

  • Three regional METS export strategy workshops, with over 60 attendees per workshop.

  • Five agri-business workshops run, with an average of 30-40 participants per workshop.

  • Three RDA GW Meet and Greet events in Mackay, Whitsunday, and Isaac, with over 30 attendees per event.

  • Four aerospace and aviation development update workshops run through the region, averaging 30 participants per workshop.

  • Two SME business support grant workshops, averaging 30 people per workshop.

  • Two start-up business workshops, averaging 20 attendees per workshop.

  • Eight Employment and Jobs of the Future Skills workshops, averaging 60-70 attendees per workshop.


“The RDA GW has directly invested a total of $100,000 of our own funds into projects around the region, in collaboration with partners to support regional development.”

These initiatives have included:

  • Regional Roadmap

  • Development of Regional METS Export and Services Capability

  • Greater Whitsundays Agribusiness Futures Alliance Program

  • Bio-futures and Bio-foods Development Program

  • Aerospace and Aviation Development

  • Transport and freight planning and construction of critical freight and transport infrastructure

  • Implementation of energy and water infrastructure

  • Employment and skills development

  • Sport and recreational infrastructure

  • Digital connectivity improvement

  • SME business support


As one example, in 2021/22, $105.62 million of public and private funding was invested to support regional Agribusiness Development. Supporting this development is the Greater Whitsunday Agribusiness Alliance, which is a collaboration of likeminded stakeholders seeking to further develop the rural sector and supply chain in the region.

Membership to the Greater Whitsunday Agribusiness Alliance consists of Rural Industry Peaks Bodies, Agribusiness, GW3, RDA GW, and support is also provided from the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF), Queensland Department of Regional Development Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW) and the Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP).

“The Greater Whitsunday Agribusiness Futures Alliance is a project that integrates a range of sub-projects that have common benefits across multiple agriculture commodities and sectors.

“Furthering initiatives like this will be a key focus in our forward planning for the coming financial year.”