RDA GW committee diversifying further with new members

REGIONAL Development Australia Greater Whitsundays (RDA GW) chairperson Jeff Stewart-Harris is pleased to announce the appointment of three new committee members after a thorough recruitment process.

Mr Stewart-Harris explained that RDA GW completed an open call for committee member nominations over the past few months, and that the process had seen many “high calibre” candidates apply. 

“There was a limitation on total numbers of committee members able to join RDA GW, and I wish to thank those that applied and were unsuccessful,” Mr Stewart-Harris said.

“The final selection process was an extremely challenging one, given the exceptional capabilities of all those that applied.

“The addition of these three successful individuals further strengthens RDA GW’s commitment to a diverse and skills-based team of regional leaders, who are passionate about developing innovative solutions to support and grow the region.

“Along with my fellow committee members, we welcome the new members to the RDA GW committee.”

The new committee members include Paul Schembri, Irene Leard and Rob Brown.

 Paul Schembri has been an active canegrower in the Mackay region for forty-eight years, and is a former Chairman of CANEGROWERS from regional level to national, bringing extensive experience in industry development to the RDA GW committee.

“Regions are the engine room of the Australian economy,” Mr Schembri said.

 “Our economic and social wellbeing requires leadership, and I joined the RDA GW committee to help ensure we live in an economically and socially vibrant region.”

Irene Leard is the General Manager of Jangga Operations, a Traditional Owner organisation and Cultural Heritage Registered Body, as well as an advocate for First Australians – to help ensure we all have the same opportunities.

Ms Leard said she is “passionate about ensuring that First Australians have a voice around the table when we discuss our region’s economic development opportunities”. 

“I believe in a holistic view of regional development, where economic and social growth are equally important.”

Professor Rob Brown is the Associate Vice-President for North Queensland, based at CQUniversity in Mackay, and the BMA Chair in Automation and Future Work Skills.

Rob has an extensive career in education, developing curriculums, working in senior management and executive levels in universities across three Australian states.

“I am a career-long educator, and believe education, skills and training will continue to be at the foundation of the ongoing prosperity and social cohesion of this wonderful Greater Whitsunday region,” Professor Brown said.

Each new committee member brings a wealth of experience and expertise in business, industry, and community involvement. Their induction marks an exciting chapter for RDA GW and the future of the Greater Whitsundays region.

For further information on the new committee members, visit our committee page.