The future of farming is here

INDUSTRY leaders, research providers, AgTech companies, agencies and service providers, and farmers attended a complimentary one-day AgTech Workshop yesterday in Mackay, for the chance to explore how innovative agricultural technologies can help them achieve greater levels of productivity, profitability and sustainability.

Regional Development Australia Mackay Isaac Whitsunday (RDA MIW), together with Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) and Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF), have collaborated on this joint initiative, to showcase the latest innovations in AgTech across Queensland and the globe, and how invited attendees can apply these technologies to their own operations. 

RDA MIW Committee Chair Professor Pierre Viljoen said that there is a critical need within the Greater Whitsunday region to assist agriculture producers, processors, and those within the broader value chain “to be more aware and seek active use of these technology systems, products, and services within continuous learning processes”.

Workshop content included biotechnology, smart farming, ‘precision for decision’ agriculture, robotics, sensing technology, Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, biosecurity and food quality surveillance.

“Agriculture is key to driving the economic growth and success of our region, which is why it’s so important to provide support to the industry,” said Prof. Viljoen.

“Participants will also have the opportunity to provide feedback about what types of AgTech and innovation benefits them most, including any challenges they’re facing.

“Collating and discussing this direct feedback from industry is crucial in identifying priority projects for future developments.

“Being actively involved in a conversation like AgTech can open up great opportunities for our region and the future of our workforce.”

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