October-December 2021 Newsletter


Welcome to the quarterly RDA GW newsletter

The last quarter has been an active one for RDA GW, and more broadly for regional development and growth activity. We have changed our name, located to a new office, welcomed in some new committee members and continued to work in collaboration with others in furthering regional development.  

Read on further to hear about other activity completed by RDA GW in the quarter.

Government funding and grants
In talking with people in the MIW region, a constant request we get is to outline what government funding is available for various areas of community interest. Via our Facebook, LinkedIn, website and direct email contacts - RDA GW provides funding information to regional stakeholders and community.

Our ability to provide this information is principally supported by our access to the Federal Government grant platform – Grant Connect. Do you want to know a secret? You can access the very same platform - it's free and, if set up by you as a registered user, the platform will send you emails every few weeks about grants that might interest you. Did I mention it's free? To set up takes about 10-15 minutes - which could be the best 10-15 minute investment from your business.

A new name and place but the same focus and actions
This newsletter marks the first version as RDA Greater Whitsundays - changing from the previous RDA Mackay Isaac Whitsunday. After approval from the committee, RDA MIW agreed to change its trading name to RDA GW. The change is consistent with the regional stakeholder desire across the three LGA of Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday to rebrand as a stronger regional collaboration, and partner under a more identifiable brand that has greater stakeholder awareness outside of the geographical location of our region.

Given the changes to our operating name, RDA GW also took the opportunity to update the website and social media platforms. Additionally, we have also relocated to a new office. The new website is a vast improvement on the previous version - it's more interactive and has more information easily discoverable. While our name has changed, our operations and activity remains the same.

Regional Development Road Map
In October 2020, the Hon Nola Marino MP, Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories, announced the Australian Government’s re-commitment to the RDA Committees Program under a new 4.5-year funding agreement and streamlined Charter. A key component of the new funding agreement involves the development and implementation of strategic plans to help align effort across government to identify key regional priorities and catalytic projects to support economic growth of regions.

As facilitators of economic development, RDA GW will draw on other regional economic development stakeholders to make and outline their views, thoughts and contributions to this process to determine regional priorities over the next 10 years. The process will ensure that RDA work programs are transparent and focused on collectively identified regional priorities.

Our regional ability to have stakeholders collaborate to prioritise economic stimuli and seek investment support from public and private sector provides potential for economic inducements through prioritisation and provision of initiatives - such as new and upgraded civil and social infrastructure, job creation and skills development and water and energy security. Reports on the first four workshops from the Regional Development Road Map process can be found on our website. Stay tuned for the draft Regional Road Map to be outlined to stakeholders and community for initial feedback.

Agribusiness Export Study
RDA GW, along with GW3, QDAF, BGGA and others, have provided co-funding to a CRC Nth Aus project/study to explore international demand for all MIW agricultural produce, including those with less mature export capabilities - like horticulture and aquaculture (a new and growing sector for the MIW region). The research will highlight key enablers of export success, as well as recommended entry strategies for preferred international markets. The study, which commenced in the last quarter, will see consultancy firm AEC complete a scope of works focused on:

  • Understanding past reports and research on NQ supply chains, including the three research projects conducted for the MIW, North and Far North Queensland, and what data is required to bring the MIW research to a similar baseline level in terms of key export products and international demand for the region’s produce, as well as preferred export markets.
  • Identifying key export products for the MIW region, supported by industry stakeholder consultation. These may include products that could grow well in the region that are currently not being grown/suggestions for potential future commodities with high market demand - or could include current products that can be redeveloped and packaged.
  • Identifying initial international market export opportunity target markets. These target markets will then be shortlisted to three or four, based on how favourably they score against the following criteria:
    • Market size and growth potential
    • Competition (where MIW produce will have a competitive advantage or comparative advantage)
    • Pricing
    • Distribution models
    • Ease of trade
    • Supply chain opportunities
    • Cost and time to market/proximity
    • Market access protocols, including biosecurity requirements
    • Favourable terms of trade/trade agreements
    • The regulatory environment, including duties
    • Whether multiple products from the region are in demand (aggregation opportunities)
    • General assessment of regional infrastructure needs consistent with the ability to supply products to the focus export markets in terms of processing and distribution - general overview only
Other data and information sources:
  • The consultant will leverage Trade Investment Queensland and DAF resources based in the target markets to access the relevant data, to further qualify the shortlisted target markets to validate the desktop research findings and explore market success strategies for the chosen target markets, including supply chain options.
  • The consultant should contact wholesale and export brokers in the chosen target markets to gather and validate data and strategies.
  • The consultant should engage with existing and established exporters to understand their market selection strategies as well as supply chain choices.
The research should highlight key enablers of export success, as well as recommended market entry strategies for preferred international markets.
AgTech Cluster Program
RDA GW has provided funding and resources to support the development of an AgTech cluster/working group. The group  is made up of industry and AgTech sector experts, who will oversee the development of strategies, programs, and initiatives to enhance Greater Whitsunday agribusiness industry AgTech capacity and capability.

The focus is to utilise AgTech to support increasing productivity, quality assurance, social responsiveness, economic and environmental sustainability via automation and tech augmentation of products and services. In the quarter, stakeholders came together for an AgTech innovation workshop where questions, responses and views were discussed as they related to AgTech development in the region.

From this workshop, RDA GW is supporting both GW3 and QDAF via funding and resources to commence the development of the Greater Whitsunday AgTech Hub, the finalisation of the AgTech virtual hub and associated development of a Regional AgTech Strategy and information portal. This work aligns with development of a digital and AgTech skills development program being developed with TAFE Qld and CQU TAFE. The finalised Regional AgTech Strategy is earmarked for the first half of 2022.
Improved Water Use in Agriculture
In 2020, RDA GW supported GW3 and industry and agency stakeholders to complete a Regional Water Strategy. The objectives of the study and strategy were to: 
  • Understand the extent to which access to reliable water supplies is constraining economic development in the MIW region.
  • Identify water infrastructure and other opportunities (including innovative uses/outcomes) which could provide a catalyst for further economic development.
  • Enhance the current knowledge base underpinning water infrastructure planning and decision making in the MIW region (driven by identified water demand or opportunity, availability and reliability, water fitness for purpose, impacts and risks).
A key finding from the study was the following;
“Allocations from the supplemented water supply schemes (Bowen Broken, Proserpine, Pioneer, Eton, and to a lesser extent Burdekin Haughton) are subject to low levels of utilisation, particularly in the irrigation sector, with usage of available water for the period 2013-2019 averaging 37 per cent, 25 per cent, and 39 per cent for the Eton, Pioneer and Proserpine water supply schemes respectively.”

From this work, interest now exists to work with the MIW irrigation sector to understand how projects, programs and policy can be implemented that increases water use and maximises economic return from the use of water via irrigation, and to identify and support solutions that overcome barriers to water use via irrigation. A program working group of stakeholders is seeking to be established to undertake analysis and fact-finding activity to determine reasons for lack of irrigation allocation use and, from this, determine if programs supporting increased use and economic return from irrigation (water use) can be implemented.

A Hydrogen Future Economy
RDA GW is supporting the Resource Industry Network in the establishment of a MIW local Hydrogen Cluster group of stakeholders. The stakeholders are currently meeting to determine key niche opportunities as they relate to the use, storage and supply of hydrogen and its by-products. The Hydrogen Cluster group is focused toward building a local hydrogen industry ecosystem and supporting local companies seeking to participate in the supply chain. The cluster has focus on what role the MIW region could play in future servicing and utilisation of hydrogen as an energy source, and how this development could offer diversification solution to future jobs in our region.

METS Export Hub
RDA GW is supporting and working with the Resource Industry Network, GW3, MRC and DSDILGP in developing an enhanced export capability and capacity as it relates to METS business in the MIW region. The program of work sits under the METS Export Hub, which is a federal, state and industry funded program supporting increased export of METS services and products. The programs run for three years and has to date completed:
  • Analysis and recommendations relating to MIW METS business opportunity analysis (SWOT).
  • In-market review of global export customers and their needs and wants aligned to services and products of best fit, and available in MIW region.
  • A programs strategy that can best support MIW METS business to export to priority markets.

The program is now commencing its development for phase 2, which will seek to identify key actions over the next three to five years that can be implemented to best support export actions by local MIW businesses. The focus of the Hub will be METS business skills development aligned to exporting, Industry development, promotion of the businesses and the region to both domestic and global customers, and advocacy of the sector and its export potential.
Robert Cocco


               [E] info@rdagw.org.au
               [PH] 07 4957 6160
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