Department of Home Affairs Latest Updates Dec 2021

Public submissions for the 2022-23 Migration Program

The Department is now inviting public submissions as part of the 2022-23 Migration Program planning process.

The Department undertakes a comprehensive consultation to inform the size and composition of the Migration Program each year, including advice from States and Territories, Government agencies, industry, academia and the public.

The Planning Australia’s 2022-23 Migration Program Discussion Paper is available on our website. This paper has a series of consultation questions, alongside a call for public submissions due by close of business 3 December 2021.

For more information, visit our website.

Australian Agriculture Visa

On 30 September 2021, the Australian Government introduced the Migration Amendment (Australian Agriculture Workers) Regulations 2021 to support labour shortages in Australia’s primary industries, including horticulture, meat processing, dairy, wool, grains, fisheries (including aquaculture) and forestry.

The Australian Agriculture visa is a new sponsored temporary visa stream within the Subclass 403 Temporary Work (International Relations) visa. The visa program is still being developed. Operation of the visa will be subject to agreement on the program design with industry and completion of bilateral negotiations with partner countries. This work is being led by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Scheme

On 23 November 2021, the Government announced the next stage of reforms to the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme.

From 4 April 2022, the two existing PALM initiatives – the Seasonal Worker Programme and Pacific Labour Scheme – will be consolidated under a single PALM scheme to further simplify administration and provide greater flexibility for employers and Pacific workers, including more flexibility for workers to move between employers.

Further information about these reforms and other PALM scheme details can be found on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s PALM website.

Visa changes to support the reopening of Australia and our economic recovery

On 25 November 2021, the Australian Government announced visa changes to make it easier for highly skilled migrants to remain in Australia and to continue working in critical sectors, as Australia’s economic recovery continues. These measures recognise the contribution of skilled migrants who remained here during the COVID-19 pandemic and encourage them to stay in Australia. These visa changes will improve access to permanent residence for:

  • existing Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa holders in the short-term stream

  • legacy Temporary Work Skilled (subclass 457) visa holders who no longer meet the age requirement.

The Australian Government will also extend visas for skilled regional (provisional visa) holders (subclass 489, 491 and 494) in recognition that this cohort has been adversely affected by COVID-19 related travel restrictions.​

For further information, visit our website.