Transformation Region. A COVID-19 regional response.

A COVID-19 regional response document has been released highlighting the catalyst projects the Mackay Isaac Whitsunday (MIW) region is seeking to kickstart our region’s economy into the future.

The key message is to invest in the MIW region so we can lead the economic recovery, not only for our region but also for Queensland and Australia.

The document shines the spotlight on infrastructure and job creation, with specific focus towards three key areas of investment support:

Vital Infrastructure – Outlining the latest requirements for the Mackay Port Access Road and Peak Down Highway upgrades, Moranbah Hospital and Black Spot Funding.

Supporting Key Industries – Focusing on tourism, agriculture and mining, including Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Project (Stage One), Whitsunday Mountain Bike Trails Program, Isaac Trail Network, Mining Heritage and Interpretive Visitor Centre, Harrup Park Country Club - Great Barrier Reef Arena and Events Precinct, Reef Restoration Project, Whitsunday Marine Centre of Excellence, Clermont Saleyards and Showgrounds Stage 2 Revitalisation and Mine Safety Rescue Centre.

Enabling Future Growth – Leveraging new industry strengths including Launch Whitsundays, Regional Waste to Energy Strategy and an AgTech Hub.

The document was developed by Greater Whitsunday Alliance (GW3) in collaboration with the three regional councils and received significant base information input from RDA MIW and state agencies in the region. It is not an exclusive list of the only MIW region projects, but rather gives a flavour of the type and breadth of economic development projects in the region.

View the full report.