Tourism highlighted in latest funding round

Guidelines for round five of the Australian Government’s Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) are available, with $100 million of the total $200 million available earmarked for tourism infrastructure projects and the remaining $100 million to support regional remote Australia more broadly, by funding general infrastructure projects and community investment projects.

 Regional Development Australia Mackay Isaac Whitsunday (RDAMIW) CEO Robert Cocco is urging local not-for-profits and government agencies to review their upcoming projects and submit an application.

 “Our region has witnessed unprecedented impacts following the events of late 2019 and 2020,” Mr Cocco said.

 “This latest round from BBRF recognises that our regional tourism industry needs additional aid, to help support our local economies overall – with $100 million of the funding reserved specifically for tourism-related projects.

 “From the bushfires experienced throughout our Pioneer Valley area, to the sudden disruption to our tourism industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mackay Isaac Whitsunday region is a prime candidate for funding.”

 Grants from $5000 to $1 million are available, with the 50% balance of the fund purposed for infrastructure projects and community investment projects – such as local events, strategic regional plans or leadership and capability strengthening activities.

“For any organisations considering applying, RDAMIW is available to provide consultation and recommendations. We would love to see more of the BBRF funding allocated to our region, because we’ve seen the roll-on effect that this type of investment can have – including more jobs, improved essential infrastructure and enhanced liveability.”

 BBRF Round five applications open 12 January and close 5 March 2021, with the successful applicants notified mid-year.

 For more information, visit