Sep/Oct 2020 Newsletter


CEO intro

Welcome to the September/October 2020 RDA MIW newsletter.

Well things has been very busy in the economic development sector within the MIW region. RDA MIW works in collaboration with all levels of government and the private sector to secure both current and future regional development opportunities. I would like to directly acknowledge the collaborative work completed with the various state agencies, Greater Whitsunday Alliance, respective local governments and key regional peak bodies. Without the efforts and investment from these stakeholders and the commitment of their staff, much of the region’s economic development aspirations would not be realised. To this end, I have outlined some of the key activity and outputs realised in the period, which RDA MIW has worked toward with other collaborators;
Northern Australia Program - Northern RDA Alliance met with Minister Keith Pit and Members for Capricornia and Dawson Michelle Landry and George Christensen (respectively) regarding development of Northern Australia. Initial feedback has been supportive of further exploration by government toward new programs to support regional growth. Further meetings are earmarked for Nov 2020 as part of the Nth Australia Development Economic Forum in Rockhampton. Meeting with Deputy PM Michael McCormick (video conference) - purpose of the meetings was to further pre-budget information sharing and advice toward RDA roles and functions regarding key areas of funding provision.
COVID-19 Regional Updates - Weekly COVID-19 meetings coordinated via DITRDC and Assistant Minister Hon Nola Marino office has provided capability for regional debrief sessions, and hence the opportunity to flag ongoing issues, challenges and opportunities linked to COVID-19 management and recovery. Items discussed are collated for reporting and advice on changes to programs and initiatives aligned to COVID-19 recovery and management to respective federal departments with line management of COVID-19 health and economic management.
Tourism - The federal budget recently handed down saw the allocation of funding to support tourism recovery, given impacts of COVID-19. RDA MIW is exploring options with Tourism RTOs to develop tourism recovery priority investments aligned to federal budget measures – our role is to facilitate possible agreed priority setting framework and agreement by RTO toward regional tourism infrastructure and projects aligned to federal budget support programs and their own matching funding.
Agriculture - August saw the establishment of the MIW Agribusiness Futures Alliance Project and Committee. Their focus is to lead agriculture development and growth across the MIW region. Over August and September, the project was formed, funding secured, committee established and chair-person appointed, and we also put in place a project officer. We are now commencing development of a workshop and priority activities session to be run with the committee.

Global Food Export - RDA MIW has continued support toward the establishment of a Global Export Centre in the region. The project's lead proponent, the Veldon Corporation, is looking into the establishment of an air and road Food Freight Export Centre in the region – and its connection to similar centres in Toowoomba, Cairns, Kununurra, Tasmania and NZ. RDA MIW has supported increased dialogue between Bowen producers and managers of the IFAM program to investigate options to further support food exports options for global suppliers from the region.
Aerospace - RDA MIW continues to promote and work with stakeholders in promoting Abbott Point as a suitable launch site option. The Launch Whitsundays working group (GW3, RDAMIW, WRC, Gilmour Space, CQU, DSDTI and TIQ) has been created and supports continuation of activity. The Queensland Government has announced DSDTI would now commence further investigation and study toward site suitability and site planning for Abbott Point to be the first Qld launch site for satellites. State opposition has recently announced a commitment of $15M to develop Abbott Point as a launch site.
Mining/METS - RDA MIW continues to provide funding and in-kind technical support toward the METS Export Hub Project. During the quarter, the project successfully completed stage one - which was a METS business and regional capacity and capability assessment -- and has commissioned stage two of  the project, which is an in-market analysis of global customers needs in line with capacity and capability of METS business in the MIW region. RDA MIW continues to support, via committee duties, the  development of METS and mining future job skills to support automation and augmentation of technology use in the mining and METS industries. The Qld Futures Skills Partnerships Program has almost completed development of training material and curriculum, and is finalising schools development program rollout. Testing of skills development/education material will commence in early 2021 – the program targets schools (yr 11& 12), young trainees, apprentices and existing workers reskilling.
Bio-Futures and Future Food  - RDA MIW, along with GW3, DSDTI, and NQBP, has provided funding to support an in-market analysis of bio-futures and future food investor and customer opportunities and align this to the MIW region access to feedstocks, research capability, infrastructure capacity, logistical systems, and development of this emerging sector. Finalisation of the reports evaluating possible investor interest in the region for this sector is expected in coming months.
Roads and Transport Infrastructure  -  RDA MIW continues to advocate for the acceleration of proposed roadworks and transport infrastructure development aligned to committed federal investment and also the identification of emerging road transport infrastructure needs in the region. A culmination of this advocacy is referenced in the recent federal budget, which outlines considerable levels of investment in support of road infrastructure and also changes in funding provisions for this work to support faster planning and construction decisions aligned to federal funding.
Water Infrastructure - RDA MIW, in collaboration with range of stakeholders, is supporting GW3 in the development of a MIW Regional Water Strategy Investigation and has accepted a role on a project steering committee group to oversee the development of a regional water strategy. Activity in the period has included working with a consultant to map out study focus, desired outcomes and use of the final strategy report. 
Future Jobs - RDA MIW has supported the GW3 completion of the Future Jobs Study, and findings from the study will now be incorporated into key regional activity aligned to public and private investment support to transition workforce skills and capacity to deal with industry 4.0 changes (automation and augmentation).
Leadership Development - Together with other regional stakeholders, we are progressing a concept to develop leaders of tomorrow.  The program seeks to formally align regional businesses and their staff to the CQU MBA Leadership qualifications while also providing regional leadership mentors, coaches and networks to encourage business to develop our region's futures leaders. RDA MIW has put forward the project for public and private funding support consideration.
Federal Budget - The 2020-21 Budget continues to build a strong regional Australia and includes several measures that respond to the unique way regions have been impacted by the events of 2020. This Budget ensures regions which are seeing strong population growth have the services and jobs they need, that regions in transition are supported to adapt to new circumstances and build resilience, and investments for all communities to make sure they continue to be great places to work and live. Funding will flow directly to support stronger, more resilient regions through some of the following initiatives. For an overview, click here to read our Federal Budget blog - including linkages to the MIW region.

Stay safe and healthy

Robert Cocco,

               [PH] 07 4957 6160
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