Roadmap to pave the way for resilience in our region

IDENTIFYING a clear and robust vision for our Greater Whitsunday region was the focus of a workshop hosted by Regional Development Australia Mackay Isaac Whitsunday (RDA MIW) earlier this week.

As part of the Australian Government’s commitment toward long-term regional development, the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications contracted RDA MIW to work with regional stakeholders to create the region’s Development Strategy and Roadmap.

RDA MIW has received support through a working group guiding the development of the Strategy and Roadmap. Working group members comprise of representatives from the Greater Whitsunday Councils of Mayors, Whitsunday Regional Council, Mackay Regional Council, Isaac Regional Council, Greater Whitsunday Alliance, Department of State Development Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Department of Premier and Cabinet.

The first workshop in this two-part series set the scene, with stakeholders putting forward a regional vision. Attendees were presented with information and context of economic priorities, and had the opportunity to offer their input toward the information, outlining any challenges opportunities, potential projects, and next steps for the way forward.

RDA MIW Committee Chair Pierre Viljoen said the Economic Development Strategy and Road Map is a vital part of identifying development priorities toward infrastructure aspirations, policy wants, and program needs for the Mackay Isaac Whitsunday region.

“Engaging local leaders in our community allows us to make the best possible decisions to build on the existing strengths of our region,” Prof. Viljoen said.  

“Collating and discussing this direct feedback helps us identify key priority projects and opportunities that will act as a stimulus for our local economy through job creation, services and productivity growth, and improved living standards for business and community.

“The first workshop was a major success in our book and we would like to thank everyone for their involvement.

“This will be a big step towards creating a resilient economy, environment, and community for our region.”

The second workshop will be held in August this year, providing attendees with an update following the findings of the first workshop. A draft report for the first workshop will be provided to all attendees, allowing another opportunity for feedback which will be considered and updated at the second workshop.

 To keep up with the latest RDA MIW initiatives and developments, visit