RDA GW Chair Applications Now Open

Regional Development Australia (RDA) Greater Whitsundays is seeking a highly-motivated leader with vision, drive, and strong ties to their region to volunteer to Chair their RDA Committee.

RDA Committees are vital promoters for their region. They bring together private business and all levels of government with regional communities to build and drive economic growth.

Applications are sought from business and community leaders who have a proven track record of achieving meaningful outcomes in a complex environment.

Women, First Nations people, people from diverse cultural backgrounds and people with disability are encouraged to apply.

For more information including the role description and how to apply, please visit www.rda.gov.au/join-your-rda. You can also contact the RDA team via email rdaapplications@infrastructure.gov.au.

Applications close on 09 December 2022 at 5pm AEDT.

Rebel NationRDA Project