Newly launched roadmap to build a robust region

REGIONAL Development Australia Greater Whitsundays (RDA GW) celebrates a huge success following the official launch of the Greater Whitsunday Regional Roadmap.

As facilitators of economic development, RDA GW drew on regional economic development stakeholders over a period of six months to outline their views, thoughts, and contributions within the Regional Roadmap to determine key regional priorities over the next 10 years.

RDA GW Committee Chair Professor Pierre Viljoen said this collaborative process ensures that RDA work programs are “transparent and focused on collectively identifying regional priorities”.

The stakeholders originally put forward 180 projects to facilitate future growth and development across the target area, which includes the Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday local government areas.

The project list has been narrowed down to 20 and features existing and new ideas for growth in the Greater Whitsunday region.

“Identifying these projects and opportunities is key to stimulating our local economy through job creation, services and productivity growth, and overall improved living standards for business and community,” said Prof. Viljoen.

“By utilising the right opportunities, our region has the potential to become an economic powerhouse.

“We would like to thank everyone for their involvement. We look forward to continuing to work towards our vision of a resilient economy, environment and community for our region.”

Click here to view the Roadmap.