National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy

CSIRO has recently announced updates to the TraNSIT Website

The information incorporates the August 2022 baseline data and now covers 182 commodities.


Some of the main updates include:

  • Forest and timber product supply chains in NSW

  • New commodities include silver, hay, by-products and uranium

  • Supply chain mapping for multiple commodities throughout Tasmania

  • Currency of multiple imported general freight commodities.


Please note, in November 2022 freight movements of construction materials will also be added.

These updates and data sharing are part of the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy, that sets the agenda for coordinated and planned government and industry action to 2040 and beyond.


The strategy identified 4 key areas for action, these are:

  1. Smarter and targeted infrastructure

  2. Enable improve supply chain efficiency

  3. Better planning, coordination and regulation

  4. Better freight location data and performance.


Read more: National Freight and Supply Chain

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