July 2021 Newsletter


CEO intro

Welcome to the July 2021 RDA update. As with most businesses, the end of financial year and start of the new year is busy, busy, busy - and RDA MIW was no different. Some key highlights for the last quarter have included our work with respective local governments, industry sectors and peak bodies in formulating strategies and completing studies and research that underpins our region's transformation and diversification, while at the same time supporting our heritage industries in their focus toward improving productivity and increasing delivery efficiency and effectiveness - and working with community to tackle some of the challenges aligned to filling jobs, and enhancing regional skills and capabilities of the workforce. Some key initiatives and programs RDA MIW has been involved with in the past quarter include;

  • The Queensland Government supports the Gilmour Space consideration toward Abbott Space Launch Facility: Over two years ago, RDA MIW commenced government, sector and community facilitation toward this satellite space launch facility consideration at Abbott Point. The activity led to the development of the Launch Whitsundays Working Group, and local stakeholder involvement and development of investment and information prospectus documents seeking interest from the aerospace sector. Fast forward to 2021  and the region is now at the cusp of seeing strong future investment from the likes of Gilmour Space Technologies in support of a dedicated launch site
  • Bowen State High involvement in the Aerospace Gateways to Schools program: RDA MIW funded Bowen High School teachers to attend the annual Qld Aerospace Gateways to Schools teacher program. The event brings together educators and stakeholders within the aviation and aerospace industry to plan for future rollout of programs that support STEM in schools and directly the opportunities and learnings involving aerospace and skills and jobs within the sector. As a key emerging industry for the region, our ability to see local students one day working in the sector and in our region is a great outcome.
  • METS export capabilities researched: RDA MIW, along with others stakeholders, has supported the completion of two critical studies to support enhancements of METS export capabilities in the MIW region. As part of the METS Export Hub Advisory Group, we developed two successful project proposals which received government funding support. The project proposal covered an assessment of capacities and capabilities of the METS sector in MIW – highlighting key aspirations and challenges. The second report was an in-market analysis of the three top export markets and range of services that could be a focus for METS products and skills export. The reasoning for the studies follows strong comments from the industry toward the need to diversify service offerings and markets, given the cyclical demand of domestic services and need for local business to diversify and de-risk, should local demand for services decrease. Copies of the studies can be found on the Resource Industry Network website.

  • RDA MIW co funding with QDAF and GW3 the completion of an AgTech and innovation workshop: The workshop brought together over 40 regional stakeholders in agribusiness and supply chain to discuss the region's future needs and aspirations regarding AgTech development and use. Key outcomes from the workshop highlighted a strong desire from regional agribusiness stakeholders to see the MIW region develop a regional AgTech strategy, create an AgTech virtual hub and information portal, focus on the development of new AgTech skills and capabilities within the sector and overall ramp up the focus toward AgTech and its role in increasing productivity, lowering the cost of production and reducing dependence on casual workforce via automation and robotics. A copy of a report from the workshop can be found on the RDA website.
  • RDA MIW commitment of funding and staff development support toward AgTech EOI: We recently participated in an EOI for funding to support the development of a regional Agtech cluster and development group. The focus is to gain funding support to deliver toward active engagement with knowledge and practitioner experts in AgTech within the region, and outside to help develop an AgTech regional strategy to lead AgTech development within the MIW region.
  • RDA MIW commitment of funding, project development and management support for CRCNA project: We have recently supported the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA) project for evaluating market opportunities for export of food from the MIW region. The study seeks to better understand both the opportunities and challenges for MIW in successfully increasing processed and fresh foods export from the region. From this study, it is desired to establish linkages with other regions and, in doing so, actively collaborate in implementing regional infrastructure and supply chain solutions to support larger volumes of produce export.

Climate Resilience
The Tropical North Queensland Hub (TNQ Hub) is led by James Cook University (JCU). The Hub will support farmers and communities in Tropical North Queensland to become more drought resilient. The Australian Government will contribute $8 million over four years through the Future Drought Fund. Hub partners will provide co-contributions of $18.5 million over four years.

RDA MIW is a formal co-contributor to this Hub, which will include a focus on the MIW region. Through the Hub, farmers, Indigenous landholders, communities, researchers and business will come together to co-design approaches and solutions for drought resilience in Tropical North Queensland. Innovative approaches will be explored that translate into the Tropical North Queensland context and knowledge will be made available, shared and curated to ensure approaches and solutions are well informed. The Hub will also help build critical skills as a key input in building resilience to drought and leveraging new tools, approaches and technology. Further information concerning the Hub and its planned actions can be found here.

Biofutures and BioFoods
RDA MIW co-funded with regional stakeholders the completion of an in-market analysis seeking interest and information from global and domestic investors and manufacturers involved in bioproducts - including food, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and other products . Bioproduct manufacturing is a real opportunity for the MIW region because we offer many competitive advantages - including proximity to expanding Asian markets, the availability of biomass feedstock, a mature manufacturing base, world-class R&D capabilities, and a secure IP environment.

The MIW regional stakeholders have an aspiration to become an Asia-Pacific hub for the manufacture of products derived from synthetic biology. A recent meeting of industry stakeholders where outputs from the market analysis were presented highlighted the regional opportunities, while also raising a number of actions that are required to cement this opportunity. RDA MIW looks forward to its ongoing involvement in this regional development opportunity.

RDA National Conference
More than 200 representatives from RDAs across Australia united in Canberra last month to meet with government officials, learn from each other and pave a united path to post-COVID support and recovery. RDA MIW Chair Pierre Viljoen and I attended the 2021 National Forum titled “Growing Stronger Regions Together”.  Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories Nola Marino praised the work of RDAs, acknowledging the value of their regional intelligence during the COVID outbreak.

“The true value of our RDAs as crucial eyes and ears to government on the ground in their regions was never more valued than during the outbreak of the COVID pandemic.”

RDA MIW chair Pierre Viljoen said while in Canberra they took the opportunity to raise awareness of the opportunities and issues facing the MIW region.

“We caught up with ministers, their policy advisers and our local Federal Members to advocate for infrastructure and investment required to create jobs and stimulate our local economies.”

We also met with the other eight North Australian RDAs to continue our focus toward programs, policy and activity to support development of Northern Australia.


The start of July 2021 has marked some significant changes to RDA MIW's operation, including a new committee, name change and location change. Please click here to read about all of the recently completed and upcoming changes.

Robert Cocco,

               [E] ceo@rdamiw.org.au
               [PH] 07 4957 6160
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