January - March 2022 Newsletter


Welcome to the quarterly RDA GW newsletter

The biggest news from us for this quarter, is the official launch of the Greater Whitsunday Regional Roadmap.
As facilitators of economic development, we drew on regional economic development stakeholders over a period of six months to outline their views, thoughts, and contributions within the Regional Roadmap to determine key regional priorities over the next 10 years. Our Committee Chair Professor Pierre Viljoen believes this collaborative process ensures that our work programs are transparent and focused on collectively identifying regional priorities.
The stakeholders originally put forward 180 projects to facilitate future growth and development across the target area, which includes the Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday local government areas. We narrowed the project list down to 20 - and it features existing and new ideas for growth in the Greater Whitsunday region.

Thank you to everyone involved, and please click here to view the full Roadmap.

Robert Cocco

AustRoads webinar: National freight and supply chain strategy
RDA GW attended a free online AustRoads Webinar: National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy, which was hosted by AustRoads, CSIRO and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. The strategy sets the agenda for coordinated and planned government and industry action to 2040 and beyond, and commits to action in four key areas:

  • Smarter and targeted infrastructure
  • Enable improve supply chain efficiency
  • Better planning, coordination and regulation
  • Better freight location data and performance
The webinar highlighted the following, which can support regional business:
  • National Freight Data - a federated data-sharing network to provide open access to government data, help industry share data together, and collectively answer the big questions about Australia’s freight performance and how we can improve it.
  • Supply Chain Benchmarking Dashboard - a web-based data visualisation tool that provides detailed and interactive modelling of Australian transport and logistics supply chains across road and rail. A total of 150 commodities are available with a variety of capabilities, including enhanced geographic filtering.
  • National Urban Freight Planning Principles - seven high-level principles endorsed by Australian, state and territory governments that provide guidance for land use decision-making across all levels of government to improve planning for freight in Australia’s metropolitan areas.
New national warning system - Know the Signs
The ‘Know the Signs' campaign is helping to educate the community about our nation-wide Australian Warning System. These warnings provide point-in-time information about a hazard that is impacting or expected to impact communities.

The three national warning categories are:
  • Advice: An incident has started. There is no immediate danger. Stay up to date in case the situation changes.
  • Watch and Act: There is a heightened level of threat. Conditions are changing and you need to start taking action now to protect you and your family
  • Emergency Warning: An Emergency Warning is the highest level of warning. You may be in danger and need to take action immediately. Any delay now puts your life at risk.
From now until May 2022, there are a number online meteorology masterclasses for disaster managers. Sign up to find out more.
Teleconference: The Hon Trevor Evans MP, Assistant Minister for Waste Reduction and Environmental Management
A presentation by The Hon Trevor Evans MP, Assistant Minister for Waste Reduction and Environmental Management was held in February 2022 with all RDA’s. Here is information on programs and activities highlighted during this event:
Sustaining growth, productivity and resilience
The Governance Institute of Australia completed an online forum, putting the spotlight on regional Australia and its critical role in the post-GFC rebound and the path forward. Speakers and panellists considered the policy, governance, opportunity, and risks that will underpin the role of the regional Australia in the national recovery.

The Virtual Regional Governance Forum provided insights on topics such as:
  • how the regions anchor the Australian story
  • key factors delivering growth and innovation
  • build the workforce to sustain economies and communities
  • impact of COVID-19 and the drivers for risk and resilience
RDA GW is currently seeking access to the web forum video recordings and presentation, and will look to post this on our website in coming weeks.
Regional and remote education report
The Hon Fiona Nash, Regional Education Commissioner, presented a webinar in March 2022 - hosted by the Hon Nola Marino MP, Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories. The Regional Education Commissioner Fiona Nash provided an update to RDA's on the Australian Government’s direction on regional and remote education, and the educational needs of students living in these communities.

Ms Nash is the first Regional Education Commissioner. Her key role is to report on the progress of the Napthine Review, which identified that regional Australians are less than half as likely to obtain a university degree by the age of 35, compared to those living in cities. The Regional Education Commissioner is putting a national lens on the direction of regional and remote education. It is working with all levels of government and industry peaks to advocate for improvements in education policy - from early childhood and care, through to schools to tertiary education. Also to provide advice on addressing regional education issues to ensure all Australians have the option to access and benefit high-quality education, wherever they live.
Sky Muster
The nbn™ Sky Muster™ satellite services connectivity interactive 'self-help' guide is now available. It is designed to save now to your desktop, so it can be used as a handy reference point if challenges occur. This user friendly format will enable customers to troubleshoot, while helping to reduce the need to call a retail service provider. If you need any further information or have any questions, please call your nbn™ Local Community Engagement Manager.
The Administration of Immigration and Citizenship
The Administration of the Immigration and Citizenship Program is to help external stakeholders understand how the Department administers the Program. It complements existing publicly available sources, including regularly published data, and provides a tri-annual overview of the administration of visa, citizenship, border and compliance programs, focusing on recent environmental factors, program developments and trends. The ninth edition includes data to 31 December 2021. Further information can be found on the Department’s website.
Working Holiday Maker (WHM)
On 31 January 2022, the Australian Government announced a new $7 million marketing campaign to attract young people from overseas to work and holiday in Australia. The Work and Play the Aussie Way campaign encourages the uptake of WHM visas in the United Kingdom, Europe, Japan and Republic of Korea, by giving young travellers a glimpse of the adventures that await them while working and travelling Australia.
WHM is an important part of the Australian visitor economy and fills vital skill gaps in the tourism and hospitality industries. For more information, visit the Department’s WHM website.
International students and backpackers
On 3 February 2022, the Australian Government announced strong arrival figures for International Students and WHM, whilst welcoming back increasing numbers of International Students, Backpackers, and Skilled migrants. This includes from 24 to 30 January:
  • Almost 7,000 International Students have returned to Australia, ahead of course commencement at Australian campuses right around the nation.
  • WHM visa (subclass 417 and 462) applications has surged with 2,600 visa applications lodged by overseas backpackers.
  • WHM visa holders (subclasses 417 or 462) who are outside Australia and arrive in Australia between 19 January 2022 and 19 April 2022 are eligible for a VAC refund.
There are more jobs available now in Australia than before the COVID-19-pandemic, with many ready to be filled by Backpackers and Students.
On 17 February 2022, the Australian Government announced and welcomed a surge of International Students and Backpacker visa applications and arrivals since the announcement last month of visa fee refunds.​
  • Nearly 13,500 International Students arrived in Australia last week alone – a 33 per cent increase on the week prior. Around 80,000 International Students have arrived since late 2021.​
  • And 1,000 Backpackers arrived in Australia last week, with nearly 35,000 Working Holiday Maker visas approved since November 2021, so there are many more to come.
International education supports 240,000 Australian jobs and contributed almost $38 billion to the Australian economy in 2018-19. WHM program is worth $3.1 billion to the Australian economy, with backpackers filling vital workforce shortages while spending more of their time and money in regional Australia. For more information, visit the Department’s student website and WHM website.
COVID-19 vaccination and re-opening Australia’s international borders to tourists, business travellers, and other visitors
On 7 February 2022, the Australian Government announced fully vaccinated visa holders for tourists, business travellers, and other visitors are able to return to Australia from 21 February. These changes will ensure we protect the health of Australians, while we continue to secure our economic recovery.

Visa holders who are not fully vaccinated will still require a valid travel exemption to enter Australia, and will be subject to state and territory quarantine requirements. The Commonwealth continues to work with States and Territories on the safe resumption of the cruise industry and looks forward to further announcements on this in due course. For more information, visit the Department’s website.
Pandemic emergency measures extended to April
On 11 February 2022, the Australian Government announced the human biosecurity period under the Biosecurity Act 2015 has been extended for a further two months. The extension means the five existing emergency requirements will remain in place until 17 April.  However, they may be revoked beforehand if the health advice changes - noting the peak of the Omicron wave appears to have passed, whilst there are still areas of concern and planning is occurring to manage any increase during winter.
The requirements include:
  • Mandatory pre-departure testing and mask wearing for international flights
  • Restrictions on outbound international travel for unvaccinated Australians
  • Restrictions on the entry of cruise vessels into and within Australian territory
  • Measures to prevent price gouging on rapid antigen tests
  • Restrictions to protect remote communities in the Northern Territory.
Skilled Regional (Provisional) (subclass 489, 491 and 494) visas
Skilled Regional (Provisional) visas will be extended for three years on 18 February 2022. This will apply to visa holders affected by COVID-19 international travel restrictions. Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa holders will be extended if the primary visa holder was outside of Australia at any time between 1 February 2020 and 14 December 2021 (inclusive) as the holder of a valid Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa. For more information, visit the Department’s website.
Restaurant Industry Labour Agreement: Skilled Regional (Provisional) (subclass 482, 494 and 186) visas
New changes to the Restaurant Industry Labour Agreement (RILA) settings will further enable restaurants that provide a ‘premium dining’ experience to access flexible concessions to employ overseas workers. The Restaurant (premium dining) Industry Labour Agreement lets you sponsor skilled overseas workers in Australian premium quality dining restaurants as cooks, chefs, café or restaurant managers and trade waiters for periods of up to 4 years and/or for permanent residence. For more information, visit the Department’s website.
Trades Recognition Australia
The Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) Assessment Standards are now published on the TRA website. Over this year, TRA will be implementing a rolling program of engagement to ensure assessment standards maintain their currency. Updates on this activity will be posted on the TRA website.

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