Government announces investment in Northern Australia in the 2022-2023 budget

On Tuesday, 25 October, Budget 2022-23 was delivered by the Treasurer, the Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP.

The Budget continues to focus on unlocking the huge potential of the north  and building our national future net zero economy with transformative infrastructure and clean energy projects.

Northern Australia’s First Nations peoples are key partners in the Australian Government’s vision for the north. Their knowledge and custodianship will inform our policies across a range of portfolios – from preserving and maintaining connection to culture, managing country and biosecurity risks; to providing health, housing and justice; and genuine Indigenous participation in the new economy.

The October Budget also confirms the additional $2 billion appropriation for the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF). This will help ensure NAIF investments are continuing to deliver economic benefits and contributing to the economic and social wellbeing of Northern Australians.

Investments in the north will bring opportunity for all Australians as we work together to build a sustainable and resilient future.