October - December 2022 Newsletter


Welcome to the quarterly RDA GW newsletter

Welcome to the Dec 2022 RDA GW eNews - I start by thanking everyone who has worked with RDA GW through the past 12 months and a direct thankyou goes to the RDA GW Committee and Staff. Without your efforts and support, we at RDA GW cannot support community aspirations as they relate to regional development.

A special mention to Pierre Viljoen, who will take on a new role with CQ University in 2023 based in Indonesia. Pierre has provided his services, knowledge and skills in support of regional development and RDA in the region for over a decade and we wish him well in his future endeavours. With Pierre's departure, RDA GW is under the control of acting chair Mr Jeff Stewart Harris - and we welcome Jeff to this role in the interim. Stay tuned for further announcements in early 2023 toward RDA GW's new chairperson.
A December trip to Canberra with other regional stakeholders provided some valuable insights toward the Australian Government's thinking and leaning toward key areas of policy and program focus for the next few years. Our region's key messaging to the government included the following:

  • Providing clarity and information to government that the Greater Whitsundays region sees a clear and valuable role and pathway to low carbon mining and resources – the need for government to understand the role of metallurgical coal toward steel making and requirement for steel to underpin renewable energy projects was covered.
  • The Greater Whitsundays region is pioneering strategies for decarbonisation, embracing renewable energy, manufacturing alternative foods and fuels (including SAF) and developing digital skills.
  • The Greater Whitsundays' agenda, and that of our major business sector in the region, is aligned with the Australian Government’s plan to reduce emissions/transition to clean energy and focus on sovereign manufacturing. Our region wants to be a model for other regions.
  • The region extended an invitation to key Ministers to attend an in-region roundtable to discuss future opportunities in 2023.
In other actions for the quarter, RDA GW provided a submission to a range of inquiries in the period and looks forward to ongoing discussions with the government on these matters.
RDA GW and Greater Whitsunday Communities (GWC) hosted a Housing Roundtable in December, with just of over 40 stakeholders invited from the broader housing supply chain. The purpose of the Roundtable was to hear from stakeholders about the housing issues in the region across homelessness, social housing, affordable housing, rental and dwelling ownership sectors. In addition, the Roundtable provided input toward aspects of the study, and what that study and summit should be focused toward. The Roundtable event is part of a fuller program of work, which will also include housing supply chain and population literature review and study, and a Housing Summit. The summit will be designed to highlight key learnings from the study and conclude with an agreed set of actions. The date for the summit will be outlined in early 2023.
I encourage our readers to view further information provided on federal programs and initiatives that may be of interest: Regards,
Robert Cocco

               [E] ceo@rdagw.com.au
               [PH] 07 4957 6160
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